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Review Political Art Days 2021

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The Political Art Days on the theme of "Inclusive Territories" took place on the grounds of Palais Palett and Objekt klein A from September 10th to 12th 2021. We were able to spend three days imagining what an inclusive and sustainable territory could look like: Between art, plants and ancient brickwork, we exchanged knowledge and ideas, narratives and thoughts about solidary living community(ies) and social movements in Germany and worldwide.

In Western thinking, the concept of territory is often associated with a state that exercises power on (its) territories. Spatial and human differences are conceptualised, colonial continuity is therefore governed and maintained.

              But do we have to think that way?

Together with our friends from ProTerra in Bogota and M-Latts from Dresden, we started to question our understanding of the term "territory". In order to find a common understanding of a social territory on basis of which we can and want to live together, we tried to deconstruct and decolonize it.

– In the understanding of different actors from social movements in Latin America, "territory" describes more than a physical-geographical area.

The term is rather based on a complex, socio-cultural understanding. The right to use land is firmly linked to the needs of the ones living there, who consider it their habitat and home. Considering that the well-being of humans, animals and nature is inextricably connected with one another, the concept of an Inclusive Territory opens up habitats where the needs of all living beings can coexist on equal terms - through mutual consideration, sustainability and solidarity. However, violent conflicts with commercial actors over land, space and territories threaten the creation and preservation of such unique territories worldwide.durch gegenseitige Rücksichtnahme, Nachhaltigkeit und Solidarität. Gewaltvolle Konflikte mit kommerziellen Akteur:innen um Boden, Raum und Territorien bedrohen jedoch weltweit die Entstehung und den Erhalt solcher einzigartigen Territorien.

The way we see and understand such Inclusive Territory is as diverse as life itself. The Political Art Days tried to take up these aspects and make them comprehensible for our visitors with methods of global learning.

During the festival days, we got to know the reality of various social leaders who stand up against environmentally destructive and corrupt practices in Latin America in order to strengthen their collective ideas of a good and humane life within an intact nature. Their daily struggle to preserve Inclusive Territories from ecological and social destruction also showed us how difficult and demanding the path to such utopias is.

– We expand from that courage which lies in their words and deeds.

Based on the thoughts of these activists from Latin America, we explored areas of our own society (and its limits) that may imply security, prosperity and self-development for some - and deprivation of rights, exclusion and uprooting for others. In this context, dealing with racism, discrimination against minorities and people with disabilities was of great importance.

We learned that already our bodies are our most immediate territories. They are characterized and shaped by the reality that surrounds us and are equally disputed terrain.

– We entered public spaces and natural territories to explore how our way of living and thinking unconsciously manifests inequalities and endangers the nature that surrounds us.

We also looked at the general perception of nature and whether plants, regardless of their utility, have inherent value and should therefore have rights, just like humans and animals. We realized that our way of valuing nature according to its mere utility is a driving factor of global environmental destruction. And thus, how a change of perspective would have a great influence on its progress.

In this context, we discussed a more climate-friendly visionary version of our city with local politicians and activists.

We talked about the intersection of art as a form of expression of political activism and art as a lived form of collective, cultural community practice. We saw, for example, how curated vandalism can become the art of healing colonial wounds. Wounds that are still bleeding today and have to been taken care of.

– We saw that the place we live in prepares the ground for communal processes. Where we can try out alternative and different practices of a new reality every day. Visions of a solidary and sustainable world that we have to establish globally and expand locally.

We are all asked to think and enrich the concept of Inclusive Territories - and to contribute to its realization in our own immediate environment.

The panel-discussion "Climate-neutral Dresden?" took place in cooperation with .

The Political Art Days took place in cooperation with ,(Palais Palett), objekt klein a, and M|Latts .

Design for the Political Art Days by Mariana Cortes


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