Global World? Global Learning!: Education for global equity
November 7, 2022
bis November 13, 2022
Jugendfreizeithof Grillenburg, GrillenburgSeerenteichstraße 11

Are you interested in education? Are you concerned about global issues? Are you willing to exchange ideas and experiences with like-minded people from other European countries?

Then you just have to embark in this transformative learning experience with us!

During the training course we will explore the concept of GLOBAL LEARNING in detail and see several applications of it. You will learn how to design and implement an educational program and explore different topics related to sustainability, human rights, world inequalities and existing solidary solutions to overcome those obstacles and prompt a better future for everybody worldwide.

The International Training Course is held in the outskirts of Dresden close to the natural park Saxon Switzerland. You will spend 6 days in the beautiful village of Grillenburg, 30 Km far from Dresden-Center, where you will sleep in the seminar house “Jugendfreizeithof Grillenburg”, surrounded by the forest.

PLEASE NOTE: Accommodation, meals and travel costs will be covered by Erasmus+but a small donation is welcome.

We would like to meet you there so don’t hesitate!!

More information:

For additional information or any question please contact us at:

Registration HERE


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13. September 24
bis 27. September 24


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Seite 1 Cover
Erasmus+ Youth Exchange: "Climate Education Otherwise - Holding Space in Times of Crisis"
1. November 24
bis 11. November 24


Erasmus+ training course series: "Talking About Conflicts"
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bis 14. October 24


Fortbildung ,,Bildungswandel"
Jugendfreizeitort Grillenburg, 01737 Tharandt (Seerenteichstr. 11)
8. July 24
bis 11. July 24


Political Art Days 2024: Degrowth - Wohlstand ohne Wachstum?
Blaue Fabrik, Dresden (Eisenbahnstr. 1)
18. October 24
bis 20. October 24
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