program categories (4)_filme & performances
Political Art Days 2024: Filme & Performances

Folgende Filme und Performances werden bei den Political Art Days 2024: Degrowth zu sehen sein:

Filmscreening: Marketable People: When a man becomes a commodity // Date: Friday, 18th October, 18:30 – 20:10 // Room: Small Room


Germany, 2020

Regie: Leslie Franke & Herdolor Lorenz

German (with English subtitles)

90 min

Europe is experiencing radical change. Since the new  millennium and after the financial crisis a new course has been set.  Solidarity systems within society, which have been hard fought for since  decades, are being questioned. In particular the  the human beings  within the labour market  are changing rapidly. This is where the film „Marketable People” is positioned.

More info & trailer here

Filmscreening & Online Discussion with the Directors: Outgrow the System // Date: Sunday, 20th October, 17:00 – 18:30 // Room: Small Room


Sweden, 2023

Directors: Cecilia Paulsson & Anders Nilsson

Swedish & English (with English subtitles)

58 min

A documentary about transitioning to a sustainable economic system.

The original meaning of the word ”economy” is „household management”. The economy of today however, is not householding, but rather consuming our finite natural resources at an alarming pace.

„Outgrow the System“ explores how we can return to the essence of the term and design an economic system that genuinely manages our scarce resources.

Beyond the narrow mainstream debate and the teachings of business schools, numerous new economic ideas and practices are emerging. They challenge old assumptions and offer fresh perspectives on how we can reorganize our production and consumption, in order to ensure our survival as a species on this planet.“Outgrow the System“ aims to bring these transformative ideas to the forefront. It celebrates the abundance of creativity and ideas that exist worldwide, urging them to collide and converge.

After the screening, we will open up an Online conversation between the directors Cecilia Paulsson & Anders Nilsson and the audience.

More info & trailer here

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