Youth Exchange: New Wide Europe
September 1, 2023
bis September 12, 2023
Italy, Bergolotba

We are partnering in this Erasmus+ project by Associazione Vagamondo.

1st September – 12th September 2023

Bergolo, Italy

New Wide Europe is a youth exchange program that connects and brings together young people with non-European origins living in Europe and also young people living in countries neighboring the EU, to meet each other, to share aspects of their cultures and learn about topics relevant for them. New Wide Europe is a space where participants can discuss, understand and imagine a Europe that works for all countries involved in the exchange.

Participants (age 18-30) and 1 group leader (age 22-40).
*Profile of the participants: *young people with non-European origins living in EU and young people living in countries neighbouring the EU. Motivated to discover more about the EU, how it function and to share a common idea of Europe as a place that works for everybody.
*Leaders: *same as participants, they already took part as participants or leaders in a youth exchange and they want to take a role of coordination in the preparation phase and an organizing and leading role during the exchange

Find more information about the project here.

Read the testimonials of the Young people who took part in the exchange:

I participated in the Erasmus+ project in Bergolo, Italy, a small village with a rich culture and history. I met people from different countries and learned about their languages, cuisines, music, and art. We also shared our own stories and perspectives. We had workshops, debates, games, and presentations. It was a great opportunity to learn from each other and develop new skills.
We also enjoyed the local fest, where we tasted delicious food and wine, and joined the locals in various activities and games. We had a lot of fun and laughter. We also faced a challenge where we were not allowed to use our phones for a few days. It was a way to disconnect from the digital world and reconnect with ourselves and others. We enjoyed the nature around us more and appreciated the company of each other more.
I am very grateful for this Erasmus+ project, which gave me the chance to visit a beautiful place, meet wonderful people, and learn valuable lessons. It was an unforgettable experience that enriched my personal and professional growth.


During this Youth Exchange, I met a lot of friends from different countries, I learned about their different lifestyles, what they think about their countries, and how they perceive Europe. Through this project, I got to know Europe better. Overall, I appreciate this experience a lot.


Participant from Germany


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