Frankolovo, Slovenia 31.07-6.08.23
The second Training Course of the series “TransFORMATION for a better future” took place at the ecological farm Metta, in Slovenia from the 31st of July to the 6th of August 2023. Twenty-four participants from Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Italy, Slovenia, Austria, and Germany have gathered in Frankolovo, near Celje, taking part in the Erasmus+ “TransFORMATIVE education for Ecological Sustainability“ organized by CAMBIO e.V in partnership with Euroteam Czech Republic, Sustainable Vibes, InfoEck, European Center for Innovation, Education, Science and Culture, and ZAVOD NEFIKS.
During the week spent together, the participants learned more about Global Citizenship Education (GCED) approaches, discovering new educational methods and widening their perception of global ecological problems and possible solutions at institutional as well as personal levels. The participants had the opportunity to learn by doing and improving their facilitation skills by leading GCED workshops for the other participants in small groups. Participants experienced and elaborated their workshops on topics like the carbon footprint, the three strategies for sustainability (efficiency, consistency, and sufficiency), virtual water, biodiversity and pollinating insects, climate change and its connection with privileges, peak oil and the socio-ecological problems related to his extraction and usage around the world.
The training course was also an important moment of intercultural dialogue, where differences of opinion were not lacking. In this regard, participants reflected on how to communicate effectively in a multicultural context through a card game called Barnga. There was also a wonderful sharing of folk dances, traditions as well as typical food from the different countries involved.
As a result of this training, participants created four graphic stop motion videos to report their experience and share the approaches brought about by GCED, especially in relation to the ecological footprint and how to reduce it and the importance of bees to preserve biodiversity. Additionally, the youth workers involved, learn about examples of how to bring the workshops’ content to their local contexts, in their personal and professional life as well as with their relatives and friends.
It was a meaningful and enriching experience also and especially because of the involvement and contributions given by the participants. Last but not least, many thanks are due to the Metta farm for the great hospitality, despite the bad weather circumstances, as well as to Kruno, our chef, for providing us with such delicious vegan food able to win also the most convinced meat-eaters‘ hearts.
Some impressions from our week together:
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