Seite 1 Cover
Erasmus+ Youth Exchange: "Climate Education Otherwise - Holding Space in Times of Crisis"
November 1, 2024
bis November 11, 2024

If you are  30 Years old or younger and currently living in Germany, France, Italy or Spain , we invite you for a transformative journey based on the work of the Gesturing Towards Decolonial Futures Collective funded by the Erasmus+ program!

 When? November 01-11, 2024

 Where? Klostergut Schlehdorf, Bavaria, Germany

 Who: activists, change seekers and residents from Spain, Italy, France and Germany

We are opening a space to explore collectively how to:
-Reimagine how we respond to crisis and relearn how to interact with difference, uncertainty, complexity and failure
-Expand our capacity to hold personal and collective space for pain and grief
-Face our complicity in violence and unsustainability
– Interrupt our satisfaction modern-colonial desires that cause harm
-Create space for change that isn’t driven by desperate hope or a fear of desolate hopelessness

This is a collective (un)learning attempt and our invitation to young people as we coming together to ponder about these complex questions. We do not have final answers, we do not have quick fixes and we see ourselves as learners and seekers. If you wish to join us on this journey, you are very welcome.  
Apply by September 9, 2024!

 Deadline for registration: September 9th

 Travel, accommodation and food are funded by the Erasmus+ program


 Application form:


CAMBIOs Beiträge bei der Fairen Woche 2024
13. September 24
bis 27. September 24


Auftaktveranstaltung Reallabor
21. September 24


Erasmus+ training course series: "Talking About Conflicts"
6. October 24
bis 14. October 24


Fortbildung ,,Bildungswandel"
Jugendfreizeitort Grillenburg, 01737 Tharandt (Seerenteichstr. 11)
8. July 24
bis 11. July 24


Political Art Days 2024: Degrowth - Wohlstand ohne Wachstum?
Blaue Fabrik, Dresden (Eisenbahnstr. 1)
18. October 24
bis 20. October 24


Screenshot 2024-04-09 115123
Reallabor für die Bildungsrevolution
Kinder- und Jugendbüro, Dresden (Rothenburger Str. 26)
30. April 24
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