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Mehr InformationenWelcome to
Global learning for a social-ecological change
We are a diverse collective of dedicated people with different backgrounds. In June 2015, we founded ourselves as an educational association in Dresden and now count more than 30 members and active people
We are a diverse collective of dedicated people with different backgrounds. In June 2015, we founded ourselves as an educational association in Dresden and now count more than 30 members and active people. Our association is an actor of non-formal as well as transformative learning and is approved as a non-profit organization.
CAMBIO means change in Spanish. We have chosen this name because we want to initiate and promote a social-ecological change in society. The motivation for our work is the promotion of a culture of togetherness and a good life for all worldwide, based on the "Buen Vivir" concept, which was developed by indigenous communities in the Andean region.
We are a member of the Entwicklungspolitisches Netzwerk Sachsens e.V. (ENS) and "Dresden für Alle" and cooperate with several other educational institutions in Dresden, such as ArcheNova, Sukuma, etc..
Every second Tuesday of the month we come together for an open meeting, where all members, speakers and interested people are welcome/invited. If you would like to attend, contact us and we will be happy to send more detailed information!

Our projects are cover a wide variety in the field of political education and the topics are diverse. The spectrum ranges from democracy education, environmental and human rights education, to education for sustainable development and global learning. With our work, we want to make grievances, injustices and power structures more visible and take action against them. In doing so, we want to get people to talk to each other and think: what effects do our actions here have on people in the global south? The goal of our work is social-ecological justice - in local and global dimensions - through transformative and critical education.
We organize different formats for educational institutions and in public spaces. A special focus lays on events for educational multipliers, vocational schools and high schools - also in rural areas. We want to rethink education in order to break down prejudices and promote empathy.
In our events we try to link factual and social learning with the reflection of one's own values as well as one's own actions. In doing so, we are mindful of the question of an individual's realistic possibilities for action and their own power to act. Learning should also be fun: We focus on variety with interactive, participatory and creative methods. We also like to incorporate elements of art and movement education.
Contact us if you would like to learn more or if you want to cooperate with us.
Register for our newlsetter and get all the important information around CAMBIO at a glance once a month.
With time and energy
Anyone who would like to join us on a voluntary or freelance basis is welcome to get in touch! Topics we are currently working on are, for example, measures to open up the association to migrants and the conversion from analogue to digital educational methods. We are also always happy to receive support in the preparation and implementation of our events.
Feel free to write us or come to our monthly meeting, which takes place every second Tuesday of the month between 6 and 8 pm.
With dough and toads
If you like our work and would like to support us financially, we would be happy to receive your donation - either once or regularly as a sponsor!
BANK: Triodos Bank
IBAN: DE45 5003 1000 1034 1900 00
CAMBIO e.V. is recognized as a non-profit organization by the Dresden District Court. Donations to us are tax deductible. We will gladly issue a certificate upon request.