Erasmus+ training courses für Jugendarbeiter*innen: „TransFORMATION for a better Future“

Organized by CAMBIO e.V.

TransFORMATIVE education for social justice
17th to 23rd July
Tauchen, Austria

TransFORMATIVE education for ecological sustainability
31st July to 6th August
Frankolovo, Slovenia

TransFORMATIVE education for ethical nutrition
26th August to 1st September
Solaiolo, Italy

Participants from Italy, Czech Republic, Slovenia, Austria, Bulgaria, Germany

Are you active in the field of education?
 Are you concerned about global issues?

Are you willing to exchange ideas and experiences with like-minded people from other European countries?

Then you are welcome to embark on this transformative learning experience with us!

During the training course, we will explore the concept of GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP EDUCATION (GCED) in the context of social justice, ecological sustainability, and ethical nutrition and gain knowledge of existing solutions to overcome obstacles and prompt a better future for everybody worldwide.

You will get to know several methods and learn how to implement them in a supportive environment.

We will also realize a graphic recorded video on GCED, its importance, and its application to different topics, that you could use to spread awareness with your peers and target group.

PLEASE NOTE: All the accommodation and travel costs will be covered by Erasmus+ but a small donation is welcome.

We would like to meet you there so don’t hesitate!!
 Already convinced? Click here to register.

Do you want to know more? Check out our info pack or contact us here:

Sie sehen gerade einen Platzhalterinhalt von YouTube. Um auf den eigentlichen Inhalt zuzugreifen, klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche unten. Bitte beachten Sie, dass dabei Daten an Drittanbieter weitergegeben werden.

Mehr Informationen
Watch the playlist with the 7 videos realized by the participants of the project T-4future

Here is what our participants say about their experience:

„After taking part in the TC about Ethical Nutrition, I was able to share more information and raise awareness about the colonial history of food(s) we consume, among people with whom I was spending time as an ESC volunteer. I am sure that I will continue doing the same in the future because I find it extremely important.“


„Participating in this project motivated me even more to keep working in the field of GCED and provided me with new tools to make my workshops more sustainable. Additionally, I could meet inspiring people who opened my mind to new topics and showed me that a lifestyle following your opinion and ideology must not be only a utopia but can turn real“


Read the review of the three Erasmus+ Training Courses here:


CAMBIOs Beiträge bei der Fairen Woche 2024
13. September 24
bis 27. September 24


Auftaktveranstaltung Reallabor
21. September 24


Seite 1 Cover
Erasmus+ Youth Exchange: "Climate Education Otherwise - Holding Space in Times of Crisis"
1. November 24
bis 11. November 24


Erasmus+ training course series: "Talking About Conflicts"
6. Oktober 24
bis 14. Oktober 24


Fortbildung ,,Bildungswandel"
Jugendfreizeitort Grillenburg, 01737 Tharandt (Seerenteichstr. 11)
8. Juli 24
bis 11. Juli 24


Political Art Days 2024: Degrowth - Wohlstand ohne Wachstum?
Blaue Fabrik, Dresden (Eisenbahnstr. 1)
18. Oktober 24
bis 20. Oktober 24
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Cambio e.V.

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