CAMBIOs Beiträge bei der Fairen Woche 2024
13. September 24
bis 27. September 24
The Event will be in englisch, but there will be a person, that will translate into german, if necessary. Registration via info[at] Space is limited!
18th of september from 7 to 9 pm and
19th of september from 10 am to 4 pm
Praxis Lea (Erlenstraße 2, 01097 Dresden)
Driving Force
Bárbara Santos
Barbara Santos is the artistic director of the asociation KURINGA e.V. as THE space in Berlin focusing on the methods of the „Theatre from the Oppressed“. For more than 2 decades Bárbara Santos worked on the developement, realisation, coordination, Supervision, evaluation of qualification programs in this field. So she will initiate this workshop in Dresden.
Theater of the opressed
The Theatre of the Oppressed is a method developed by the theatre theorist and director Augusto Boal in Brasil. The focus of this method is to reach a transformation of reality. The method combines art, & self-experince with a political try out. It offers a lot of possibilities to activate social and communicative ressources, that might feel oppressed in every day life, in a playful, esthetic and scenic connecting of people. Augusto Boals Theatre of the Oppressed bases on two important principles: The audience as an passive object shall be enabled to become a active creating subject of reality. These Theatre do not deal only with the past but with the future and their possibilities of transformation.
The dialogue and inter-acting between director & participants is central. Not the director decides about the topics of the scenes & the play, the participants do as experts of their reality set the focus. Important issues in this process are: Self-awareness and -reflection, critical analysing of the construction of power and faint in society, the experince of self-efficacy and the power of acting as an collective. All of it has an impact on the forms and techniques of this theatre method. In model scenes from everyday life participants can re-enact situations to step into the perspective of a person being discriminated or structurally disadvantaged to experience and change something. It is about the answers of the question: What would I do being in this situation? How may our ideas and actions change the scene and our lifes? The Theatre of the Oppressed is a esthetic training to prepare for situations of conflicts inbetween power and faint.
Find further information about KURINGA in Berlin on the website:
Here you find a short film with some impressions of the KURINGA qualification programm in Berlin:
Diese Veranstaltung wird gefördert durch „Engagement Global“ mit Mitteln des „Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung“, die „Landesdirektion Sachsen“, die „Dresdner Stiftung für Soziales & Umwelt der Ostsächsichen Sparkasse Dresden“ sowie den „katholischen Fonds“.
Schützengasse 18
01067 Dresden
Tel: 0152-05193149
E-Mail: info[ät]cambio-aktionswerkstatt[punkt]de
Copyright 2021-2024, CAMBIO e.V., Dresden – Design & Programmierung: FRIMAR SOLUTIONS GbR, Dresden
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