CAMBIOs Beiträge bei der Fairen Woche 2024
13. September 24
bis 27. September 24
The project aims to provide youth workers with keys to understanding the barriers to dialogue and tools to develop a new model of communication, based on the principles of non-violence, peace education, respect for diversity, and cooperation, which they can include in their daily practices, transfer to their organizations, and disseminate among youngsters they work with and to their colleagues within their organization, and ultimately have a snow-ball effect to partner organizations and the youth worker network.
It is an opportunity for non-formal learning mobility for youth workers to improve their skills and increase the quality of their work by learning how to constructively manage conflicts that might arise within their organizations or in the youth groups they work with, gaining skills to use conflict as an opportunity for change and inclusive development, instead of the mainstream approach to conflict as something negative to avoid.
The project consists of two connected training courses that will take place in amazing venues in Romania and Greece.
Training course on communication:
Dates: 6th to 14th October 2024
Location: Burg hostel, Sighisoara, Romania
Training course on conflict management:
Dates: May 2025 *the final dates will be communicated ASAP
Location: Eco village Hopeland, Greece
We invite 4 participants (18+) from Germany who want to spend two weeks exchanging ideas and learning together with 18 other like-minded youth workers from the Czech Republic, Greece, Romania, France, and Spain.
What’s in it for you?
– Discover new ways to enhance your authentic expression, emotional intelligence, and communication skills.
– Acquire skills for constructive conflict management and inclusive facilitation.
– Boost your self-confidence and awareness of your role and influence within groups.
– Join a European network promoting sustainability, non-violence, and inclusion.
Do you want to know more? Click here for the info pack: https://www.canva.com/design/DAGAW7KQ4Go/MWCbPk4xn1IqwvxQVTG8oA/view?utm_content=DAGAW7KQ4Go&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor
Application Deadline: 1st of July 2024
Apply Now: https://cambioev.aidaform.com/erasmus-talking-about-conflicts4
Schützengasse 18
01067 Dresden
Tel: 0152-05193149
E-Mail: info[ät]cambio-aktionswerkstatt[punkt]de
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CAMBIOeV/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cambio.ev
Copyright 2021-2024, CAMBIO e.V., Dresden – Design & Programmierung: FRIMAR SOLUTIONS GbR, Dresden
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